© 1996 Bernard SUZANNE Last updated November 21, 1998
Plato and his dialogues : Home - Biography - Works and links to them - History of interpretation - New hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table version or non tabular version. Tools : Index of persons and locations - Detailed and synoptic chronologies - Maps of Ancient Greek World. Site information : About the author.

E-mail Archives :

This set of pages constitutes the "e-mail archives" section of a site, Plato and his dialogues, dedicated to developing a new interpretation of Plato's dialogues. They include HTML edited versions of posts that I submitted on various e-mail discussion lists about Plato and ancient philosophy. As the site grows, the material often cursorily mentioned in these posts should be included and developed in appropriate pages. In the meantime, these archives may provide the reader with insights into yet undeveloped theses on this or that dialogue. Direct access to relevant posts is also provided in the home page of referenced dialogues until the time where the material included in the post is duly integrated in the pages dealing with that dialogue.

Most of these posts should be understandable outside the context of the discussion they were a part of. When needed for understanding, I included before my posts quotations in italics from other posts on the list to which mine answer. Quotations in italic within the text of a post were part of the original post. In general, the posts have been reproduced as originally posted, except for spelling, typo and other kinds of mistakes, but they have been formatted for HTML, and references to dialogues have been transformed into links as in all other pages of this site. A few notes have been added when needed to point at theses that I would no longer state in the same way.

In the following list, posts are referenced in chronological order.

Plato and his dialogues : Home - Biography - Works and links to them - History of interpretation - New hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table version or non tabular version. Tools : Index of persons and locations - Detailed and synoptic chronologies - Maps of Ancient Greek World. Site information : About the author.

Last updated November 21, 1998
© 1996, 1997 Bernard SUZANNE (click on name to send your comments via e-mail)
Quotations from theses pages are authorized provided they mention the author's name and source of quotation (including date of last update). Copies of these pages must not alter the text and must leave this copyright mention visible in full.