© 1996 Bernard SUZANNE Last updated June 21st, 2015
Plato and his dialogues : Home - Biography - Works and links to them - History of interpretation - New hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table version or non tabular version. Tools : Index of persons and locations - Detailed and synoptic chronologies - Maps of Ancient Greek World. Site information : About the author.

Links to Plato's works on the Internet

Following is a list, in alphabetical order, of all works that have come down to us under Plato's name, including works which are now considered as not from Plato by almost everybody. An (A) after the name of a dialogue indicates a work that is not part of the 28 dialogues in my "tetralogies" and is most likely apocryphal.

In this list, links are provided, when they exist, to both the Greek text and English translations at Perseus, and to B. Jowett's English translations at various sites :
- the eBooks Library of the University of Adelaide, Australia, which provides an HTML versions of the dialogues, Jowett's introductions and, for several dialogues, analyses, plus a zipped version of the HTML files for download ; see the table of contents of the dialogues of Plato there for links to those downloadable files ; besides, the preface to the first, second and third editions of Jowett's translation are available along with the Charmides)
- the OLL (Online Library of Liberty), which offers online versions of the 1892 edition in 5 volumes of the Jowett's translation of all the 28 dialogues of my seven tetralogies except the Greater Hippias, plus Second Alcibiades and Eryxias, along with introductions and indexes, plus downloadable facsimile (scanned images of the pages of the paper edition) in pdf format
- (an earlier version of this page had links to B. Jowett's translation at The Tech Classics Archive at MIT, but this site crashed some time in 2000 and not all texts have been fully restored ever since. Due to the way they restored the site, using archive from Google, dialogues whose size led to a file greater than about 100K, the maximum size of Google archive for a page, are now incomplete. Thus I have only left links to those dialogues that have been fully restored, that is, the shorter ones. For the Laws and the Republic, MIT had one page per book, which means that most of the books could be restored; the incomplete ones are books III and V of the Republic and books VI and VII of the Laws).

Using a link to one of Jowett's translations loads the dialogue (or book for Republic and Laws) as one document that you can then keep locally for further reference, while Perseus provides searchable texts loaded by small sections and accessible at any reference. The URL for searching a given reference in Plato at Perseus is :


where :

In case the Tufts site of Perseus doesn't work, you can use the miror site in Berlin, Germany, at :


The Greek text of several dialogues (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phædo in John Burnet's edition, plus the Symposium, Phædrus and the VIIth Letter so far) in the form of downloadable zipped Word files is available at the "The Little Sailing" site, managed by Agelos Perdikouris.

Links to other sites providing hypertext versions of dialogues are added when they exist and I'm aware of them.

A digitized version of Henri Estienne (Stephanus) 1578 complete edition in three volumes of Plato's works, greek text and latin translation, still used nowadays to reference quotations of Plato's works (see the page of this site explaining this mode of quotation), is available online and can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link in the list below :

And now the complete list of Plato's works, genuine or not, in alphabetical order :

Plato and his dialogues : Home - Biography - Works and links to them - History of interpretation - New hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table version or non tabular version. Tools : Index of persons and locations - Detailed and synoptic chronologies - Maps of Ancient Greek World. Site information : About the author.

Last updated June 21st, 2015
© 1996 Bernard SUZANNE (click on name to send your comments via e-mail)
Quotations from theses pages are authorized provided they mention the author's name and source of quotation (including date of last update). Copies of these pages must not alter the text and must leave this copyright mention visible in full.